Celebrating the new year with an update

It's been almost a year since the Awesome Ultrasound Simulator was released in the AppStore. To celebrate the fact, and to enhance the experience for all of you that have bought the app, a 2.0 version is to be released.

Hopefully soon, but as you all may be familiar with; the final touches are often what takes the longest to finish.

My focus has been to make the app better in the ways that matter concerning its use in simulation, focusing on the features that have been requested in the year that have past. I'm very thankful for all of the feedback that I've got, and I hope that you will make use of the changes and adding in your simulations. If you have any suggestions, please feel free to get in touch!

In the last year, the app have been in use in medical- and trauma- simulation training all over the globe, used in presentations as an interactive way to teach ultrasound, used as a tool for examination at POCUS courses.

Hopefully, the coming year will bring a whole lot more of all of the above, and maybe it can even be used in new contexts?