Version 1.5 - What's new?

Version 1.5, aka 'The C. Wurster asked for it' update!

I've gotten some feature requests and try to fulfil your wishes if possible. So, I hereby give you:

New view: Aorta !!!!
It's now possible to simulate examination of the aorta. For now, I've included sagittal and transverse images of normal vascular anatomy and an aneurysm. Will swap out current aneurysm for any larger or more thrombotised as soon as I can get my probe on one, as the current one not yet fulfils the requirements for operation and looks fairly benign (diameter ~5cm).

Social sharing
Marketing of this app has up until now only consisted of some Tweeting and some very rare demonstrations in person. I'm very happy for every mention, and extremely exited by the few pictures and videos of people actually using the app in their simulation scenarios! If you want, there is now the possibility to share on Twitter or Facebook directly from whit in the app. Unfortunately, Facebook won´t allow for pre-filled sharing sheets, so you will have to come up with something yourself or copy the text from the Twitter share sheet.

Thats it for now. Use the app, spread the word to others that teach ultrasound, simulation or in other ways can benefit from having the ability to simulate POCUS.